How to buy an Engagement Ring on a Budget?
Apr 13, 2020
Engagement Rings
How to buy an Engagement Ring on a Budget?
Buying an engagement ring is a huge undertaking for anyone contemplating making the next big step with their partner. And what better signifies the eternal promise of love other than a diamond ring? After all, “Diamonds are forever”.

Nevertheless, some people might feel hesitant to buy a diamond ring due to preconceived notions that they might have, of which most are true. However, Lab-Grown Diamonds are here to save the day. They are in every aspect superior to their mined counterparts and cheaper too!

To be very clear, Lab-grown diamonds are 100% real diamonds. They have the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as mined diamonds and even professionals won't be able to tell the difference. They are certainly not cubic zirconia or any other diamond simulants. Whilst Cubic Zirconia and diamond simulants may look similar to diamonds, they are fundamentally different and are not as durable and long-lasting as real diamonds. A professional test can easily expose their chemical makeup.

Unlike mined diamonds which often have impurities due to the environment in which they were formed, diamonds created in a lab with strictly controlled processes result in brighter and whiter diamonds with much fewer defects than mined ones.

In addition, coloured diamonds produced in labs are much more vibrant and uniform than their mined counterparts. The feat is achieved by the very precise dosing of trace chemicals. For example, yellow diamonds get their colour from nitrogen while blue diamonds get their colour from boron.

Now to the most pressing issue - the ethical concerns associated with buying mined diamonds are substantial; the environmental damage, the child labour used to mine diamonds, and diamonds being traded for arms and weapons (conflict diamonds). When purchasing a diamond, it is imperative to consider its past and how it got to you as to a customer. No one with a clear conscience can be truly happy about gifting a once in a lifetime symbol of love and commitment to their precious partner if that gift is the result of a long line of tragedy and suffering. However, Lab-grown diamonds have none of the concerns as they are both mining free and non-conflict. Mining causes massive damage to the environment and is very energy-intensive using a large amount of fossil fuels. The area once mined is often intoxicated and is very slow to recover, if at all. 

Man-made diamonds are created in labs involving no child or slave labour unlike some diamonds which are mined in conflict regions in Africa in brutal conditions earning the nickname “Blood Diamonds”.
How to buy an Engagement Ring on a Budget?

Finally, let us get the price out of the way. Surely one would be forgiven to assume that such high-quality diamonds must have sky-high price tags to match. However, buying lab-grown diamond jewellery can result in a net saving of up to 70% over an identical mined one. Thus, with the same budget one can easily buy a larger diamond of better quality with more elaborate design and intricate detail in the engagement ring.

So, what are you waiting for? Visit us now and browse our vast collection of beautiful and expertly crafted lab-grown diamond rings and let our experts help you choose the one that is perfect for your taste and budget!